Miguelito grew up by the mountains of Chiapas; and in his music you will sense an ocean breeze, sweet fruits, and humid earth.
Miguelito's principal objective is to diffuse the rich Afro-Caribbean music, continuing and deepening the process of cultural syncretism by adapting Mexican music to Caribbean and Mexican rhythms and structures.
"Mexican flutist Miguelito Martinez has become an essential voice on the Bay Area's Latin jazz scene."
San Francisco Chronicle
Music is a vital part of my life. I use it in different ways to develop kindness, respect, and open-minded individuals.
Miguelito always knew he was meant to be a musician. "When I was a kid, I was always inventing songs and playing instruments. My mom told me that one day they had a party; I was one year old, and I played with the band all night long. My grandpa said to my mom that it just became evident that I would keep doing music my whole life."

Workshops and Lectures
“In the Moment” New Album
Creating is an inspiration, but creating something at the moment only happens with improvisation, and that is to be able to conquer my fears. As Miles said, "Do not be afraid of mistakes. There is none”. This new project is exclusively about not fearing and creating at the moment with freedom guided by the passion and love of music that has given me so much in my life.
This project is my humblest tribute to the music that gives us the freedom to express ourselves with rhythms and sounds. For this project, I have invited musicians with whom I have shared the art of creating at some point in my musical career such us: Jackeline Raggo, Jamie Dubberly, Alex Conde, Gabriel Navia, Charlie Gurke, Gary Musinsky, Pedro Pastrana, Anthony Blea, Morgan Nielsen, Jacopo Barone, and David Pinto. I thank each one of them for not fearing mistakes and conquering fears through the magic of musical improvisation. Just one take, no editing, just the magic of the moment. I want to express my thanks to all of them for their time and effort put into creating music just for the love of making music. Without your help, it would not have been possible to achieve one of my dreams. My eternal gratitude to you all.

Miguelito’s full discography shows an artist in full control of his talents. He has built chops that move across several different music genres and contexts as a composer, flute player, and producer.
In The Moment
Creating is an inspiration, but creating something in the moment only happens with improvisation.
Cuba Le Canta a Mexico
A beautiful tribute to Mexican music with a Cuban twist.
Del Corazon al Son
A musical offering to immigrants from Latin America in the United States.